Rights theory is not just a moral framework for life, but provides guidance for any aspect of social relationships from personal relationships between individuals to civil organizations to government. The theory is independent of any prescribed religious or spiritual perspective and taps into the very nature of what most of believe – that we are unique individuals deserving of the opportunity to pursue our happiness in ways that respects the same in others. Explore this perspective and more below.

  1. Rights Theory – Explore the theory of natural rights from the perspective of history, personal relationships, organizations, and government
  2. Love – Explore a new theory of love that shows how love is more that just a feeling, but a state of being that expands rights theory out from self to others
  3. Toxic Personalities – For every force, expects an opposing force. The opposing force of rights is toxic personalities. Learn more about them here.
  4. Inspired and Inspiring Fiction – How stories can help us understand the importance of rights
  5. Charlton’s Ground – My novel about an enslaved person who learns about his rights and struggles to enjoy them
  6. Narcissism Encyclopedia – Of the toxic personalities, narcissistic types are the least manageable without some training (antisocial is not manageable). Explore 101 narcissism concepts here and some bonus articles here.
  7. About Me

If you’d like to sing with me, please visit my YouTube channel.

Notes: Kirt Morris took the picture of the Harriett Tubman painting and posted it to unsplash.com for free use. Michael Rosato painted the mural on the side of the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center in Cambridge, MD. It’s a small museum, but has some really emotionally charged material. I recommend going with some tissues (my sleeve paid the price for omission when I visited with my older daughter). David Zawila took the picture of the sunrise and posted it to unsplash.com.

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