
Concept: Many narcissists will go out of their way to decry skepticism, the tendency to doubt the claims of others without direct evidence or sound reasoning. Narcissists attempt to gain control over their victims by misdirecting them from the truth. Dismissing the narcissist’s deceptions neutralizes that tactic.

How this increases a narcissist’s insecurities: Dismissing what a narcissist says takes away some of their power. Not only does this expose them as deceptive or misleading and thus increase their inner shame, but it increases a narcissist’s anxiety about unmet supply needs.


  1. A judge rules against a frivolous lawsuit and orders the plaintiff pay court and opposing lawyer fees.
  2. A doctor debunks a health-related claim that a narcissist used as an excuse for failing to accomplish a goal.
  3. A wife leaves her husband after he claims he wasn’t somewhere when a reliable source reported the opposite.

Advice: Hold onto the principle of skepticism when dealing with a narcissist. Every deception you unravel and dismiss is one more step toward dissolving the relationship and ending the abuse.

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