Concept: Acts of kindness are a reward in and of themselves for non-narcissistic people. For narcissists, who focus on self above all others, any act must benefit themselves. Even the most minor favors require at least a future price that narcissists demand in the future.
How this leads to greater control over a victim: Creating a feeling of indebtedness ensures that narcissists meet their needs if they make an explicit deal to trade favorable actions. Even without a direct deal, narcissists are more likely to get someone in their life to fulfill a future need through a guilt trip when reminded of the past favor.
Advice: If someone in your life is unwilling to help you out without an explicit deal or an expectation that they will come back looking for repayment in the future, find another way to achieve your goal. Even favors you feel you paid can come up again when a narcissist wishes to control you.
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