
Concept: Ultimatums are attempts to force a narcissistic-abuse victim to act or face the relationship’s dissolution. These are the “musts” of relationships and should not be confused with boundaries, which are the “no’s” of a relationship

How this leads to greater control over a victim: Assuming the victim wishes to maintain the relationship, they must consider capitulating to the narcissist’s demands or face the adverse consequence.


  1. “If you really loved me, you would help me dig up dirt on my co-worker.”
  2. “If you’re going to continue working here, you’ll need to show your loyalty to me, which might mean changing the books to show better profits for the investors every once in a while.”
  3. “We can continue hanging out, but only if you stop hanging out with that loser.”

Advice: Set a boundary against ultimatums in a relationship. The first time it’s done, refuse to comply and warn that you have a three-strikes-and-you’re-out rule. The second time, offer one last warning. The third time, be prepared to walk away.

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